Sunday 26 December 2010


  So, I've been thinking a lot what I'm gonna write about. I asked myself a lot of questions and they are all pretty important. Well here's the question I've been asking myself for a long time. It is hard enough for UK citizens to get a job as performers after they graduate college or university, but why should it be almost impossible for foreign graduates?
    I've been living in London for 7 years (as a student), I graduated Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts in July 2010 and 2 months later I had to leave the UK and come back to Russia. I've left home and my family at the early age of 16 and it was quite hard, but now I look back and I wouldn't change my decision I've made 7 years ago even if I could. I've started a different life and living in London was/is everything to me. I feel home in London. I came to London to do Latin American and had really good results in competitions. I wasn't planning on going into Performing but it happened so. After I stopped Latin American, perfuming has become something special in my life. It made me a happier person and I can proudly say I love what I do no matter what sacrifices are!  Ok enough about my life story. Lets get to the point.

    As I am a Russian citizen, every single year living in London I had to extend my visa. I've been refused in visa a few times and it's been a nightmare. It's a very hard process and very expensive. To be able to work in London I have to have a work permit. To get one I need to find a job and then my employer applies for my work permit. They have to prove (which is not so easy as it sounds) I can do a particular job better than a UK citizen and that I do not take this job away from someone who needs it more than I do. Also I have to have at least a BA Hons qualification before work permit. So basically I am now stuck in Russia hoping to get back to London in January. 
    This problem has effected a lot of my auditions in the past. Just one question comes out of the casting team member's mouth: "Are you able to work in the UK?", then follows the answer: "No, but…" and then CUT! 
     I have read a lot of material about solving this problem made a lot of research. I feel like I could be a visa expert if I don't succeed in my performing carreer. There's always something on the way. I have always sorted out this visa issue before and now it seem like mission impossible. It makes me so angry and sad and strong at the same time. Loving so much what I do I can not let myself give up on it.

    Here's a few points if you are a foreign perform!

    • The work is for continuity.
For example if the person has worked for a period of one month or more on the same piece of work overseas.
Applications submitted under the criteria for continuity must supply proof that the overseas national is currently, or has recently been working on the same piece of work overseas (i.e. contracts or press reviews or other such documents) and has done so for at least one month.
The UK Border Agency will still consult with Equity if the actor/actress has played the same part abroad in a production of the same name, as this would not be classed as continuity.
    • The person has international status.
For example if they are internationally famous in their field.
An actor with international status is a well-known star who would not displace resident labour. This does not mean the same as being established overseas.
Applications for actors who are of international status do not need to give details of a resident labour market search.
    • The worker(s) forms part of a unit company.
A unit company is a large group of entertainers who have regularly performed together in their own country and have toured overseas as part of an established production before entering the United Kingdom.
Evidence to this effect should be included with the application.
This may include contracts of employment to show that the individual/s has/have been a permanent part of the unit company.
    • Where none of the above can be provided, evidence that the post has been advertised should be provided.

    So here is my question: Why can't we have a choice about where we want to build our career? It's not that it's just for performers (any kind of entertainment people), it's also hard for people of different professions but performer's work permit is the hardest to get.  Also if you are not EU, U.S., Australian citizen it's 2 times harder.
     Why can't we do something we love and good at, anywhere we want? 
Alien of extraordinary ability- This is the term lawyers use to describe foreign actors and celebrities who want to come to different countries in order to grace them with their extraordinary talents.

      Here's the example:
Cheryl Cole didn't put Gamu Nhengu through to her final 3 in The X Factor despite her unarguable talent.Cheryl told Gamu: “You are extremely adorable. You’ve got a great voice. “It’s just a question for me now as to whether you brought the star quality that I was looking for yesterday.” Lies! Here's the real reason: They were concerned over Gamu's immigration status that prevented her from being chosen for the live shows. Her mother's visa is due to be renewed during the course of the show and the producers were concerned by any problems that may occur during that process. 
    Why can't we do something we love and good at, anywhere we want? 
Alien of extraordinary ability- This is the term lawyers use to describe foreign actors and celebrities who want to come to different countries in order to grace them with their extraordinary talents.

    No visa, no show for foreign performers is what they say!  How is that fair? It's completely out of order. 
    If you have £200,000 which can be invested in the UK to setup a new business enterprise or to take over an existing UK business, you may be eligible to apply for a UK Visa. So Basically if you have money you can do pretty much everything you want anywhere in the world and if you don't then you stay where you are or may be you just need luck and fall in love with a citizen of the country you want to work in and get married! 
    There are a lot of people that get a chance to stay in foreign countries by faking documents and it works! Even though you think you will get in trouble for that, somehow other people don't! It's been proved that there are thousands of illegal immigrants living a good life in the UK, but when you want to do everything right and legal it's just not good enough.
      I think this attitude is that it's easier to deny something than to approve something that you might be called on later. I wish there was something I could do about it but Impossible is not the word!  

2. Arts & Humanities, Celebrity Immigration Attorney Kate Raynor lawyers, 19 Aug/ 2010

Saturday 25 December 2010

Communication Technologies

   All technical communication is done with a particular end in mind. The purpose is usually to facilitate the communication of ideas and concepts to the audience, but may sometimes be used to direct the audience in a particular course of action. The importance of the audience is in the notion that meaning is derived from the audience's interpretation of a piece of work.[1]
   So what end in mind has the Web 2.0 been done with? 
   Well I guess everyone has their own opinion. Tim O'Reilly said "It’s not only vacuous marketing hype, it can’t possibly be right".[2] When Kevin Kelly wrote about this Web change: the key to success in this next stage of the web's evolution is leveraging collective intelligence.[3] 
   I have given it a lot of thought and I'm still not sure at what end in my mind it stands lol. 
   There is a set of technologies, allowing to create control systems of knowledge, but one of the most widespread for today are technologies Web 2.0. Most popular in my usage are Wikipedia, Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.

The most known project Web 2.0 for me is Wikipedia.

      •  Wikipedia — is a free encyclopedia. It based on the technology «wiki»- which is a web site, where users can change the tools given by a web-site. Wikipedia – is a powerful resource. It nourishes with the actual information with a great speed and allows any user to get access to the fresh information. I think it is one of the most asked help resources today. Its development is probably so prompt because of the possibility of editing, in case you find mistakes or false information.

Well known but less useable for me is Blog.
•  Blog is the online a diary where you can publish your posts and records. One more important feature of a blog is that readers can publish the comments to the messages what makes blog a unique interactive resource. The blog in many ways is a personal professional (or simply information) growth and perfection which gives the chance to a self-expression and stimulates creative activity. To me, personally, it is the tool of inter-professional communication and as a news resource. 

Facebook is a little bit of a different story.
•  Facebook is probably the largest of the networking sites Web 2.0. Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates. You can include in your profile information, status, friends, photos, notes and groups. It is a great possibility to find people you've lost contact with, using their names, emails and other different information. I used to find Facebook a great opportunity to share my photos with my friends and non-important information. Today, I feel like I want to delete my profile and never use Facebook again! It's become to much of an edgeless unconfidentiality. There's no line between social and private anymore. Of course users of Facebook can chose the privacy settings but they don't. It seems like people lay out their whole life using the box with the name "Status". I'm sure a lot of Facebook users would disagree with me and it's their own right! 

Youtube is my favorite! 
  • Youtube is the best thing that's been done. It is such an amazing opportunity to find and watch videos of pretty much anything you like. Sometimes you find videos of shows you've never seen and would never find it anywhere else. I've even come across with an audition where people have been requested to learn the dance routine off the youtube video! I find it amazing! You can have some time to yourself to figure it out and prepare for an audition. 
   I guess this is an endless topic that can be discussed over and over again. So I'll just say this:
Web 2.0 gives you a unique possibility: editing, being able to see previous versions of editing and to disagree with the brought changes, having returned the previous version, creating and influencing. I must say there's also a lot of risks too but I think if there's any personal reputation damage can be done through the Web 2.0 communications it can be done through mouth just as much!

P.S. I apologize for my grammar mistakes (its not easy to have russian and english mixed up in ur head lol), hope it all makes senesce. I tried my hardest!  I know I'm soooooooo behind you all, but i'll catch up with you all withing few days.  

Monday 13 December 2010

1d: 2d Images

so here is the link to my Flickr account!

 I must say Im not a big fan of putting my photos online for everyone to see them...I usually set privacy on if I put my pictures on facebook. However I think it's a good  website to keep your pictures organized and all. You never know when you'll need your pictures! Sometimes not having your laptop with all your photos around, you can always go to your account on Flickr! So I actually might start using it not only for BAPP!!! Just gonna check it out a bit more :)

Tuesday 7 December 2010

1c: Audio-visual

Well, here's the link to my clip on Youtube!

I must say it wasn't easy at first to make this clip! I tried a few times in the past to make a short movie or a clip and never really finished any of them. To be honest I only use my laptop to use internet and download stuff on iTunes..... I have to say it was fun making this clip and it felt good after I finished it! Also, I finally got my account and for the first time I uploaded the video on Youtube, i've never done it before and was surprised how easy it was! I thought it would take a lot more time...
Well, hope my clip looks ok.... so people let me know what you think! :)