Saturday 25 December 2010

Communication Technologies

   All technical communication is done with a particular end in mind. The purpose is usually to facilitate the communication of ideas and concepts to the audience, but may sometimes be used to direct the audience in a particular course of action. The importance of the audience is in the notion that meaning is derived from the audience's interpretation of a piece of work.[1]
   So what end in mind has the Web 2.0 been done with? 
   Well I guess everyone has their own opinion. Tim O'Reilly said "It’s not only vacuous marketing hype, it can’t possibly be right".[2] When Kevin Kelly wrote about this Web change: the key to success in this next stage of the web's evolution is leveraging collective intelligence.[3] 
   I have given it a lot of thought and I'm still not sure at what end in my mind it stands lol. 
   There is a set of technologies, allowing to create control systems of knowledge, but one of the most widespread for today are technologies Web 2.0. Most popular in my usage are Wikipedia, Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.

The most known project Web 2.0 for me is Wikipedia.

      •  Wikipedia — is a free encyclopedia. It based on the technology «wiki»- which is a web site, where users can change the tools given by a web-site. Wikipedia – is a powerful resource. It nourishes with the actual information with a great speed and allows any user to get access to the fresh information. I think it is one of the most asked help resources today. Its development is probably so prompt because of the possibility of editing, in case you find mistakes or false information.

Well known but less useable for me is Blog.
•  Blog is the online a diary where you can publish your posts and records. One more important feature of a blog is that readers can publish the comments to the messages what makes blog a unique interactive resource. The blog in many ways is a personal professional (or simply information) growth and perfection which gives the chance to a self-expression and stimulates creative activity. To me, personally, it is the tool of inter-professional communication and as a news resource. 

Facebook is a little bit of a different story.
•  Facebook is probably the largest of the networking sites Web 2.0. Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates. You can include in your profile information, status, friends, photos, notes and groups. It is a great possibility to find people you've lost contact with, using their names, emails and other different information. I used to find Facebook a great opportunity to share my photos with my friends and non-important information. Today, I feel like I want to delete my profile and never use Facebook again! It's become to much of an edgeless unconfidentiality. There's no line between social and private anymore. Of course users of Facebook can chose the privacy settings but they don't. It seems like people lay out their whole life using the box with the name "Status". I'm sure a lot of Facebook users would disagree with me and it's their own right! 

Youtube is my favorite! 
  • Youtube is the best thing that's been done. It is such an amazing opportunity to find and watch videos of pretty much anything you like. Sometimes you find videos of shows you've never seen and would never find it anywhere else. I've even come across with an audition where people have been requested to learn the dance routine off the youtube video! I find it amazing! You can have some time to yourself to figure it out and prepare for an audition. 
   I guess this is an endless topic that can be discussed over and over again. So I'll just say this:
Web 2.0 gives you a unique possibility: editing, being able to see previous versions of editing and to disagree with the brought changes, having returned the previous version, creating and influencing. I must say there's also a lot of risks too but I think if there's any personal reputation damage can be done through the Web 2.0 communications it can be done through mouth just as much!

P.S. I apologize for my grammar mistakes (its not easy to have russian and english mixed up in ur head lol), hope it all makes senesce. I tried my hardest!  I know I'm soooooooo behind you all, but i'll catch up with you all withing few days.  

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